Archaeological Sites
Konario or Konidario
Along the road to Amaniou towards Lagoudi, there are ruins from a settlement from the Othoman period, Koniario or Konidario, which according to sources has Muslim inhabitants.
Along the road to Amaniou towards Lagoudi, there are ruins from a settlement from the Othoman period, Koniario or Konidario, which according to sources has Muslim inhabitants.
The settlement was deserted in the 1950’s. Today relics have been preserved from the windows and the two storey buildings which are red and achra in colour. Today the forest Koniario is a protected forest area which has been transformed into a recreational area by the Municipality of Dikaiou.
Medieval Tower & Farmhouse in Voukolies
North of Pyli in todays are of Voukolies, is a fortified farmhouse from medieval times. From this farmhouse parts of 3 rectangular dome covered areas have been preserved. These areas are in the shape of a Greek gamma Γ as is the remains of a rectangular fortified tower. In the distance to the east of these buildings is a windmill which still stands today. The tower was built using rectangular marble stones from ancient monuments. The domed wings are covered using pointed domes.
Mount Dikeo
Mount Dikeo or Oromedon is the highest mountain in Kos with an altitude of 846 metres. At the peak there used to be an ancient worship ground dedicated to Zeus (Dia) and according to research was probably inhabited during prehistoric times. In this area two cells were established by the Kos Monk Arsenios Skinouris in 1079. Today at the peak of the mountain there is a temple Metamorphosis of Christ the Saviour, which has its’ annual celebration on the 4th of September. Parts of the walls, wells and other remains from the medieval period belonging to a small fortified community may possibly be dated to Byzantine or medieval times.
Medieval Tower & Farmhouse in Voukolies
North of Pyli in todays are of Voukolies, is a fortified farmhouse from medieval times. From this farmhouse parts of 3 rectangular dome covered areas have been preserved. These areas are in the shape of a Greek gamma Γ as is the remains of a rectangular fortified tower. In the distance to the east of these buildings is a windmill which still stands today. The tower was built using rectangular marble stones from ancient monuments. The domed wings are covered using pointed domes.
Mount Dikeo
Mount Dikeo or Oromedon is the highest mountain in Kos with an altitude of 846 metres. At the peak there used to be an ancient worship ground dedicated to Zeus (Dia) and according to research was probably inhabited during prehistoric times. In this area two cells were established by the Kos Monk Arsenios Skinouris in 1079. Today at the peak of the mountain there is a temple Metamorphosis of Christ the Saviour, which has its’ annual celebration on the 4th of September. Parts of the walls, wells and other remains from the medieval period belonging to a small fortified community may possibly be dated to Byzantine or medieval times.
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